The officer positions for the CGO Council are:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Professional Development Chair
- Special Events Chair
- Social Chair
- Community Service Chair
- Recruitment Chair
- FGO Advisor
The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and the Executive Board, appoint the members of each special committee established by the Executive Board, and perform such general functions that may be necessary. The President will submit the CGOC’s Constitution and Bylaws for annual review, during the month of January or as changes occur. The President and/or an appointed Social Media Chair or Public Affairs Chair will manage the CGOC social media accounts and other structures such as a CGOC Sharepoint. The President shall represent the base CGOC to supraorganization CGOCs, to include the Division (if applicable), Region, and National CGOC, and to outside agencies and the service at-large.
The Vice President shall assist the President in an advisory capacity and oversee the various committee chairpersons. The Vice President will represent the base CGOC to the supraorganization CGOCs in the President’s absence.
The Secretary shall record the minutes of all general membership and Executive Board meetings, notify all members of the meetings as required, and have custody of all CGOC records. The Secretary will check the CGOC Postal Office Box at least quarterly (if applicable). The Secretary shall submit the CGOC’s official meeting minutes, if required or requested by the base. The Secretary shall aggregate the data for the base CGOC from the applicable officers to fill the Quarterly Activity Report (QAR) as provided by the National CGOC and submit (or provide to the President for submission) to the next supraorganization CGOC body on-time.
The Treasurer will oversee all financial needs of the CGOC. The Treasurer will maintain access to the CGOC’s bank account and Postal Office accounts and will develop a master budget for the current term within 45 days of taking office. The Treasurer will ensure annual taxes are filed NLT 15 April of every year and the Tax ID number is renewed every year with the IRS and state Secretary of State (if applicable). The Treasurer is required to prepare and use budgets as a financial management tool. The budgets should be presented to the officers and governing board for review. The Treasurer shall submit the CGOC’s monthly bank statements.
Professional Development Chair
The Professional Development Chair will oversee and organize all events in relation to the professional development of the CGOC members or others on-base and will attend the related base meetings such as total force development council events in the absence of the President or Vice President.
Community Service Chair
The Community Service Chair will oversee and organize all events in relation to the local community and volunteer service.
Social Chair
The Social Chair will oversee and organize all social events for the CGOC to improve esprit de corps.
Special Events Chair
The Special Events Chair will oversee and organize fundraising events that directly fund the CGOC.
Recruitment Chair
The Recruitment Chair will oversee and organize events that promote the CGOC and encourage CGOs to become active with the CGOC. The Recruitment Chair will also be the owner of the CGOC distro email and will update the distro list quarterly from the CGO rosters received from FSS.
FGO Advisor
The Advisor is a field grade officer as defined in the Constitution Article II who provides guidance and advice to the CGOC and assists with its awards process or other agreed-upon tasks.